ABRSM’s 2023 and 2024 Piano Exam Syllabus will be made publicly available globally on 9 June 2022.
The new Piano Exam books each feature a selection of nine pieces from the syllabus at Grades Initial-8, covering lists A, B and C. Meticulously edited and presented, these volumes comprise rich and varied repertoire from which to create an exciting programme for both Practical and Performance Grade exams. Each volume also includes helpful footnotes and syllabus information.
Finally, ABRSM is doing away with CDs and replacing them with audio downloads. The book + audio editions comprise of all 39 tracks exclusively available with each graded book. However, those who prefers to purchase without audio tracks may continue to do so at a lower price point.
Key Highlights for This Syllabus:
– Nine pieces to select from the List A, B and C
– Available as book only or book with audio downloads
– Each book with audio comes with full 39 tracks
– 70% of the 2021 & 2022 repertoire are retained (21 pieces per grade)
– the contents of Piano Exam Pieces fully replaced (9 pieces per grade)
– a further 9 new pieces added per grade
– Greater choices than before with the lists extended to 13 pieces (total 39 per grade)
– All pieces may be used for Practical or Performance Grade exams
Teaching Notes on Piano Exam Pieces 2023 & 2024
Written by Sharon Gould, Timothy Barratt and Anthony Williams, the new Teaching Notes edition offers in-depth guidance to all piano teachers and students covering all 81 pieces from Grades Initial-8 in the new syllabus. The Notes feature great teaching ideas relating to three areas of learning: musical context, technical challenges, and performance and interpretation.
Pre-order for these books are coming soon. Do check our website frequently.