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Step by Step Piano Lesson The Fun Way Step Master Series 2


The Step 1-3 of Step series, hopes to provide a very sound foundation for reading, understanding and position shifts. It enables teachers to develop musicianship, finger techniques, recognition of basic key concepts, reinforcing reading in familiar keys with advances in other concepts and a clear feel of rhythm using familiar tunes and enjoyable ” talk about” integration of theoretical and aural aspects. It is also hoped that with the familiar tunes parents also know, support and encouragement, so vital during these early stages will be given by them. This basic firm and “Step by Step” concept gradually frees out into the Classical world of styles and interpretation, not forgetting that major part of “Fun Pieces” still included at the back of every book for the enjoyment of the children and parents.

Publisher: Rhythm MP
Author/Composer: Dr.Geraldine Law-Lee

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Anonymous – August 8, 2023

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